Art Makes You Partners
Our impact would be impossible without the support of partners that believe in the power of creativity through Art. Becoming an official partner of Art Makes You enables you to share in the impact we are making in the lives of children around the world.Your partnership donations cover event costs, program costs, and other related expenses.
There are two tiers of partnership:
Gold Sponsor ($1000)
· Prominent sponsor recognition on all event-related marketing & promotional collateral, including save the dates, invitations, flyers, e-mails and posters.
· Sponsor listing on all at-event signage and event programing.
· 10 tickets to the Art Makes You event.
Silver sponsors ($500)
· Sponsor listing on all at-event signage and and event programing.
· 5 tickets to the Art Makes You event.
All donations are tax deductible.
A Note of Thanks
Our hearts are overwhelmed with gratitude for the support we’ve received from people all around the world. We celebrate with this:
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Meade
Thank you for helping us change the world – one child at a time!
Inese & Eva
Art Makes You Founders.