March 21st Update

Dear friends,

New update on our work since the last post two weeks ago. Crazy to think that the war started almost a month ago!

I have to say, the only silver lining in this madness is the unbelievable solidarity humans are sharing right now, as the only difference between us and people in Ukraine, is the fact that we are living in a free and safe country, our kids are safe and no one is destroying our homes.
Thank you again and again to everyone who feels the same and wants to do something to better the situation, thanks for your ongoing support.
Donated money goes a long way, I personally assure you, that the funds are going towards organizations and friends who we personally know, no other way, as unfortunately there are a lot of fake charities on the rise using the situation.

I also have to say a BIG thanks to several of my dear friends back in Latvia - Dagnija, Laura, Edite and Linda who I'm in close contact with and are taking their time and efforts being the "boots on the ground" and connecting refugees with housing, first aid, medicine, food, clothing and simply sitting down and being their shoulder to lean on. Truly, you are the heroes! Proud to support you!

We are continuing donating funds to Charity Foundation Stabilization Support Services in Ukraine feeding people on the streets in Lviv, Ukraine.

Sharing funds with Latvian doctor associates who are leaving to Ukraine to volunteer in children's hospitals and taking a lot of supplies with them.
As the local government in Latvia is getting tight with their budget and space and can't accommodate Ukrainian refugees, ( Latvia is not that big, less than 2 million) a lot of people are stepping up and opening their homes and taking in families. We are in contact with several families and are supporting them with daily expenses to make this easier on their family budgets.
Just recently we have discovered an amazing organization "Attistibai un nakotnei" who has shifted gears and is now supporting refugees by opening their office building for 59 Ukraininas 20 of them are children and while they are waiting for more normal accommodation, it's a good and safe space with beds and meals provided.

We are supporting the organization "Lidojosie Engeli" - several amazing women are organizing First aid supplies and delivering them to Ukraine as well as gathering anything needed for refugees in Latvia.

Also, supporting the Meduza Project - independent Russian journalists relocated to Latvia to continue their very important work - informing and delivering the truth to Russian people.

On a very personal note, Eva's mom is still in her apartment in Kharkiv with her dogs and cats refusing to leave.
My home in Latvia is full with kiddos and their moms, no idea what the future holds. The nearby school is holding about ten more families and I have neighbors close by opening their homes so there is a new community that can support each other.
Lots of conversations with family and friends these days, lots of dark thoughts and anger. How this will end is hard to project, but we do realize, Putin will not stop at nothing, there is no common sense. But like I said, I do believe and constantly witnessing the good in people, the good is a lot, a lot more than anything else.
Please reach out to me, if you have any other ideas for support and ways to help. I'm also open to any questions you might have, any comments. I would also be happy to share specific contacts you might want to reach out to yourself and donate.

Here is a link to the last update for those who would like to read: